Scholarship Documentation

Upload Your Scholarship Files

Mountain BizWorks and our funding partners strive to expand access to our services through offering financial-need-based and rural-based scholarships as current support allows. Please provide the following documentation: 1) Photo ID 2) Proof of Household Income (Most recent Tax Return, W2, or 2 consecutive pay stubs) 3) SS Number or Business EIN.
Please enter the dollar amount of adjusted gross income as reported on your most recent tax return. If you share finances with a spouse and file separately, please report the combined income total.
Please use this space to optionally provide any additional details on your current financial situation that may help clarify any of the answers above or otherwise help us consider your scholarship request.
Max. file size: 300 MB.
Max. file size: 300 MB.

Why Mountain BizWorks

We help entreprenuers overcome obstacles, grow strategically, and create jobs.

Our work is all about creating a healthy economy and community in the WNC region. We believe in dreamers and are radically improving their ability to become entreprenuers.